A Place To Be: Orange Zone, Space: 20
A Place To Be creates COMMUNITY, BELONGING and HOPE for people with disabilities, medical and mental health challenges through music therapy, performance and the expressive arts. We see you as a whole human being and help you come into the fullest expression of who you are. Our services include individual arts therapy sessions and social group, camps and performance opportunities! Learn more at https://aplacetobeva.org
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: Orange Zone, Space: 20
We here at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - National Capital Area Chapter are at the forefront of suicide prevention. We create a culture that’s smart about mental health through education and community programs, research and advocacy, and support for those affected by suicide. As a voluntary organization, our grassroots efforts engage families, mental health professionals, community and local business leaders, school administrators and others interested in preventing suicide. Learn more at afsp.org/ncac
Blue Ridge Wildlife Center: Blue Zone, Space: 125
Protecting and conserving native wildlife by integrating veterinary medicine, rehabilitation, public education, professional training, and research. Learn more at https://www.blueridgewildlifectr.org/
Casa BruMar Foundation: Orange Zone, Space: 20
To bridge the gap that leaves the LGBTQ+ community behind when it comes to equality that is equitable in education, social services, and human dignity in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Learn more at https://casabrumarfoundation.org/
Community Lutheran Church (ELCA): Orange Zone, Space: 20
Community Lutheran Church is an ELCA congregation in Sterling, VA. Community Lutheran Church exists to let everyone know they matter to God, as we let them know they matter to us. We share in Christ’s love for the world through our worship and learning, and seek to reach out in his name with witness and service to all people. We believe the Holy Spirit calls us to be an inviting, caring community. Learn more at communitylutheran.org
Congregation Sha’are Shalom: Orange Zone, Space: 25
Congregation Sha’are Shalom is a vibrant synagogue, blending tradition and change, providing opportunities to engage with Judaism and enjoy a sense of community through study, worship, and acts of loving-kindness. Congregation Sha’are Shalom offers a variety of social, social action, educational, and cultural programs and, as one of Equality Loudoun’s Equality Allies, is committed to the ideals of diversity, inclusion, and equality. Learn more at https://www.shaareshalomleesburg.org
Dulles Area Association of REALTORS® (DAAR): Orange Zone, Space: 25
DAAR Provides access to business tools, professional and career development, and advocates for your success as a REALTOR® Learn more at https://dullesarea.com
Dulles Triangles: Orange Zone, Space: 25
LGBTQ+ Social Club outside the beltway * for over 30 years Learn more at https://www.dullestriangles.com/
Embark Center for Self-Directed Education: Orange Zone, Space: 25
Embark Center for Self-Directed Education is a youth-run democratic alternative to school where kids and teens create their own individual and community learning experiences. Embark Center actively promotes diversity and champions LGBTQIA+ rights, fostering an inclusive environment that allows individuals to pursue education on their own terms. Learn more at https://embarkcenter.org
Folx United Now - Reaction & Assistance Training Company (FUN/RA Training): Orange Zone, Space: 25
We are a 501(c)3 non-profit and our mission is to provide free to very low cost training to marginalized peoples; such as the BIPOC & LGBTQ+ communities; so they can Survive Active Violence Events (SAVE!). We do this by providing courses on active shooter response, emergency/trauma first aid, and firearms safety. Learn more at https://funra.org
Free Mom Hugs Virginia: Orange Zone, Space: 30
Free Mom Hugs is a 501(c)3 organization founded by Sara Cunningham that empowers the world to celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community through visibility, education, and conversation. Learn more at https://freemomhugs.org/
Ghostbusters, Virginia: Blue Zone, Space 120
Ghostbusters, Virginia is the only 501(c)(3) non-profit organization recognized by Sony's Ghost Corps in VA that gives back to the community. While celebrating all things Ghostbusters, this all volunteer group also participates in events all over VA to raise donations for charities such as Make-A-Wish Greater Virginia, Toys-for-Tots, and SPCA to name a few. Now you know who to call when you need a team that stands together and gives back to the community! Learn more at https://ghostbustersva.com/
Insight Memory Care Center: Orange Zone, Space: 30
Adult Day Center serving families living with dementia Learn more at Insightmcc.org
King of Kings Lutheran Church Dulles South: Orange Zone, Space: 30
King of Kings Dulles South is a growing Lutheran church in the Dulles South area of Loudoun County. We are a safe place for everyone can explore faith, find deep-rooted community, and be loved by God. All are invited, affirmed, and welcome. Learn more at https://dullessouth.kofk.org
Lasagna Love: Orange Zone, Space: 35
Lasagna Love is a global nonprofit and grassroots movement that aims to positively impact communities by connecting neighbors with neighbors through homemade meal delivery. We also seek to eliminate stigmas associated with asking for help when it is needed most. Our mission is simple: feed families, spread kindness, and strengthen communities. Learn more at Lasagnalove.org
LAWS Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services: Orange Zone, Space: 35
LAWS Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services is the designated sexual and domestic violence service provider in Loudoun County and delivers comprehensive services to all victims and survivors of sexual violence, intimate partner violence, child abuse and maltreatment, family abuse and stalking. All services are free and confidential. The LAWS 24/7 confidential hotline number is: 703-777-6552 Learn more at https://lcsj.org/
Loudoun Chapter Moms Demand Action: Orange Zone, Space: 35
We are a grassroots non-partisan movement of Americans fighting for public safety measures that can protect people from gun violence. In our own communities we encourage a culture of responsible gun ownership. Learn more at momsdemandaction.org
Loudoun County Animal Services: Orange Zone, Space: 35
At Loudoun County Animal Services (LCAS), we work each day to ensure a compassionate, humane community for animals and people. LCAS operates an animal shelter, maintains a lost and found animal directory, issues dog licenses, offers low-cost rabies vaccination and microchip clinics, hosts humane education programs, operates a pet pantry and assists community members with a variety of animal issues. Learn more at https://www.loudoun.gov/animals
Loudoun County Dept. of Family Services Information and Referral: Orange Zone, Space: 40
Loudoun County Dept. of Family Services Information and Referral program connects residents to both county and community partner programs including: Child Care Assistance Employment Services Food Resources Health and Dental Care Housing and Homeless Services Legal Services Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Developmental Services Older Adult Services Public Benefits Utility Assistance: Learn more at https://www.loudoun.gov/5287/Information-Referral
Loudoun County Health Department: Green Zone, Space 115
Learn more at www.loudoun.gov/health
Loudoun County Public Library: Orange Zone, Space: 40
Loudoun County Public Library celebrates the opportunity for all people to learn and grow. We offer books, resources, and community events for all ages, free with a library card. Learn more at library.loudoun.gov
Loudoun Education Association (LEA): Orange Zone, Space: 40
The Loudoun Education Association is the union for educators in our district. As advocates for educators, LEA supports equity for educators and students. Learn more at https://loudounea.org/
Loudoun Hunger Relief: Orange Zone, Space: 40
We are a food pantry a community where everyone has access to sufficient, nutritious food. As the population of Loudoun County has increased, the number below the poverty line has also increased and so has the number of families and individuals we help. LHR is committed to providing the best possible services to all clients regardless of race, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity (or expression), religion, national origin, age, disability or background. We serve our neighbors in need with nutritious food, education, and community partnerships. Learn more at https://loudounhunger.org/
Loudoun Volunteer Caregivers: Orange Zone, Space: 40
Loudoun Volunteer Caregivers (LVC) is a 29-year-old nonprofit organization that mobilizes volunteers to help frail elderly and adults with disabilities in Loudoun County to maintain independence and quality of life; providing the support necessary for our care receivers to remain in their own homes. Without LVC, many of our care receivers would need to move into assisted living facilities and nursing homes to get to their appointments, obtain groceries, receive companionship, and manage their finances. All services are provided for free, regardless of the care receivers’ income. LVC’s volunteers provide assisted transportation to medical appointments, personal money management, and supportive services – including home repairs and maintenance, friendly calls and visits, and home food deliveries from Loudoun Hunger Relief and the Dulles South Food Pantry. Learn more at www.lvcaregivers.org
NoVA Prism Center: Orange Zone, Space: 45
NoVA Prism Center is a LGBTQIA+ library and community center serving the Northern Virginia community. Our programs include library pop-ups, community meetups, our gender affirming clothing closet, educational seminars and workshops, and our library collection. Learn more at https://novaprismcenter.gay
NOVA Roller Derby: Orange Zone, Space: 45
NOVA Roller Derby is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit flat track roller derby league based in Northern Virginia. NOVA Roller Derby (NRD) is a competitive sports organization whose motto is “Skate hard. Give back.” We strive to improve individual athleticism, self-discipline, and character while promoting team unity. Our program provides structured training, instruction, and competition, preparing our members to represent NRD at a national level. We are dedicated to providing community outreach through events, activities, and charity sponsorship. Learn more at www.novarollerderby.com
PFLAG Loudoun: Blue Zone, Space: 121
Providing support and community to members of the LGBTQ community and their families/friends. Learn more at Pflagloudoun@gmail.com
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia: Orange Zone, Space: 45
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia (PPAV) is a statewide advocacy organization whose mission is to preserve and broaden access to reproductive health care through legislation, public education, electoral activity and litigation in the Commonwealth of Virginia. PPAV works to ensure that individuals and families have the freedom, information, and ability to make their own informed reproductive choices. Learn more at https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/planned-parenthood-advocates-virginia-inc
Red Wine & Blue: Green Zone, Space 115
Red Wine & Blue provides everything women need to successfully organize in their communities and beyond. Want to get stuff done and have fun along the way? Join us. Learn more at redwine.blue/virginia
Safe Space NOVA: Orange Zone, Space: 45
We create safe and inclusive spaces for LGBTQ+ youth to learn, grow, and thrive within their communities. Our social support groups (aka “hangs”), coordinated special activities, and educational programs focused on healthy relationships and intimacy offer unique opportunities for LGBTQ+ youth to engage with their peers and develop into the leaders of tomorrow. Learn more at safespacenova.org
Sara's Acts of Kindness: Orange Zone, Space: 45
Childhood cancer awareness non-profit. Learn more at www.saraskindness.org
SCAN of Northern Virginia: Orange Zone, Space: 50
SCAN prevents child abuse and neglect in Northern Virginia. As a survivor-led team of child advocates, we put children at the center of everything we do. We work with families and the community to prioritize the wellbeing and resilience of the next generation above all else. Learn more at www.scanva.org
St. David's Episcopal Church and Preschool: Orange Zone, Space: 50
At St. David’s Episcopal Church and School, we worship joyfully. We celebrate our diverse community in a loving environment where we learn and grow together. We encourage lifelong learning and community outreach. We are a safe, affirming, loving, and welcoming community to all. Together, we accomplish things we cannot do alone. Come worship with us in-person or online, Sundays at 10am! Learn more at www.sdlife.org Learn more at www.sdlife.org
Sterling Foundation: Orange Zone, Space: 50
The Sterling Foundation’s mission for over 35 years has been to strengthen the Sterling community through environmental, educational, cultural and recreational opportunities. Our dedicated focus has been to raise the funds that will keep the four mile stretch of Sterling Boulevard mowed, maintained and beautiful. In addition to the mowings, we host quarterly trash pick-ups along the boulevard, annual stream cleanups, seasonal tree prunings, native flower plantings and regular garden maintenance. Learn more at www.sterlingfoundation.org
Sterling Playmakers: Orange Zone, Space: 50
Loudoun's community theatre organization, Sterling Playmakers performs several shows a year. This all-volunteer organization is always looking for performers, staffers and new audience members. The group also provides a summer camp and workshops throughout the year. Learn more at https://www.sterlingplaymakers.org/
The Arc of Loudoun: Orange Zone, Space: 50
At The Arc of Loudoun, we strive to bring about a just, equitable world for people with disabilities. Learn more at https://www.thearcofloudoun.org/
The Ryan Bartel Foundation: Orange Zone, Space: 55
We provide programs that promote acceptance, connection, resiliency and hope for young people in our community. Our goal is to help teens get through the rough times in their lives, so they don’t get so overwhelmed or hopeless that they want to give up. Learn more at https://www.ryanbartelfoundation.org
Together We Will: Orange Zone, Space: 55
Grass roots community organizers and activists.
Unity of Fairfax: Orange Zone, Space: 55
Unity of Fairfax offers a positive, progressive, practical approach to living a spiritually fulfilling life. We recognize wisdom in all the world's traditions and honor the individual's right to choose their own spiritual path. Our diverse and inclusive community in Oakton, VA welcomes you! Learn more at unityoffairfax.org
Virginia Master Naturalists Banshee Reeks Chapter: Orange Zone, Space: 55
Virginia Master Naturalists are volunteer educators, citizen scientists, and stewards helping Virginia conserve and manage natural resources and public lands. Our VMN volunteers support Audubon Society, Audubon at Home Ambassadors, Blue Ridge Center Pollinator Habitat and Nature Play area, Plant NoVA Natives Initiative, Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy, native plantings at parks, schools and HOAs, bird walks, The Christmas Bird Count, bluebird nest box monitoring, bat monitoring at multiple sites in Loudoun County, Willowsford Conservancy educational programming, Frederick Douglass Elementary, Waterford Village and many other volunteer projects. Individuals interested in joining our corp of volunteers are welcome to sign up for our training program. Learn more at http://www.vmnbansheereeks.org/